About Us
Our Home Family Resource Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization helping Mercer County individuals and families survive, rebuild, & overcome. Survive domestic violence and sexual assault, rebuild parent-child relationships, and overcome financial shortfalls and food insecurity. Our Home has been serving Mercer County for over 25 years, comprised of 3 distinct programs; Family Crisis Network, RAFT Supervised Visitation Center, and Direct Services & Referrals.
Our Home's Family Crisis Network offers a 24-hour helpline, emergency safe shelter, and advocacy for domestic violence and/or sexual assault victims. They help victims survive their trauma & build a life free from abuse.
Our Home's RAFT Supervised Visitation Center monitors visits for children & their non-custodial parents, offering non-custodial parties the opportunity to rebuild relationships with their children in a comfortable, safe, & homelike environment.
Our Home's Direct Services & Referrals Program offers financial assistance and a food pantry for income-eligible residents. It provides information, resources, & advice to overcome food insecurity & financial shortfalls.
Our Home also coordinates special county-wide projects, including; Mercer County Back to School Program, Mercer County Winter Warmth Program, and the Mercer County Angel Tree Program.
- The Mercer County Back to School Program is a school supply drive to help children with the necessities for the first day of school.
- The Mercer County Winter Warmth Program is a drive for winter coats, hats, and gloves to be distributed on Winter Warmth Day to children and adults in need.
- The Mercer County Angel Tree Program provides clothes and toys to children of families facing financial shortfalls.

Ways to Donate
Information on our Monthly Donor Program is coming soon.